2002 – 2003


Ingo Vetter & Annette Weisser

  • Are you called Postfordism?
  • NO!
  • Are you called Neoliberalism?
  • NO!
  • Then perhaps you are the world spirit of capitalism, who transforms every relationship into a commodity & who will never end to exist?
  • The DEVIL told you that!

The exhibition originated in two self-discovery workshops for precarious cultural workers, held in a television studio setting with a golden stage stairway, bales of straw and Rumpelstiltskin.

Stage stairway (varnished MDF, wood, paint, metal handles, decoration foil) 300cm × 200cm × 75cm, curtain (decoration foil), approx. 25 bales of straw, stage lighting, video DVD 14:30min