On Thursday 17 September 2015 at 19:00 the catalogue publication of the Pasing by festival will be released with a final party at the famous Pelz Bar. Address: former Pelzladen Schweisz (directly at Pasinger Marienplatz), Bodenseestr. 1, 81241 Munich
Posts By: Ingo Vetter
Pasing by
Opening 03. July 2015, Festival 03. – 12. July 2015, website: www.pasingby.de 17 new art projects for Pasing, an urban quarter in Munich, Germany. I’ll present two stone sculptures from the new series “Organe” for permanent installation. Pasing by 17 Kunstprojekte im Zentrum Pasings beierlegoerlich / Gabi Blum / Department für öffentliche Erscheinungen / Motoko… Read more »
TV feature
Rainer Krause has produced a television feature Künstlerbesuche, presenting Bremen based artists. The series will be broadcasted at buten un binnen, ARD Radio Bremen between 19:30 and 20:00: 07. April: Sybille Springer 08. April: Tobias Venditti 09. April: Christiane Gruber 10. April: Ingo Vetter After broadcasting, the features will be accessible online.
Symposium Landscape 1 & 2
Sat, 07. March 2015, 9:00 – 20:00, Place: Treffpunkt Kunsthausplatz / Tagebau Welzow / Studierhaus IBA See Großräschen Sun, 08. March 2015, 11:00 – 15:00, Place: Kunsthaus Dresden Until this day, historical landscape painting determines our conception of the landscape, be it in literature, geography, landscape planning, or the more recent environmental sciences. How do artists engage… Read more »
future_island chapter 3
On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 I will give a lecture at the public conference future_island chapter 3 in Slite, on the east coast of Gotland, Sweden and present some examples of artists’ involvement in city planning processes. The conference is organized by the Baltic Art Center.
Presentation at Immigration Office
A “One Night Stand” at Immigration Office in Bremen on Wednesday January 14, 2015 at 20:00. Address: Immigration Office, Am Dobben 36, 28203 Bremen, Germany
Jahresgaben 2014
Some Vases for Ailanthus are on sale as artists editions at Künstlerhaus Bremen. All editions are displayed until January 18, 2015.
Public Lecture at University of the Arts Bremen
Kunsttopographien globaler Migration: Orte und Räume transitorischer Kunsterfahrung am Freitag, den 28. November 2014 ab 19.00 Uhr im Auditorium der Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Am Speicher XI, 8: 19 Uhr Umsetzen/Übersetzen Ein Bericht über Produktionsstätten internationaler Kunst in Asien Ingo Vetter, Hochschule für Künste Bremen 20 Uhr Über Archipelisierung und Transkulturalität Cédric Duchêne-Lacroix, Universität Basel… Read more »
Kirunatopia in Dresden
Since 2010 I work as an artist and organizer with the residency and exhibition project Kirunatopia. After a first presentation at Bildmuseet Umeå, Sweden in 2012, the exhibition will open at Kunsthaus Dresden, Germany in an extended version. Opening at Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 16:00 with all participants and a DJ-set from Kiruna. More information… Read more »
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